This embroidered sparkling gown is just beautiful and photographs cannot do it justice. I have a close up photo of the fabric in my store.
The outfit for Julie is made from the finest woven wools and the colors reflect that. Update: Sorry, it sold ... but there will be more winter outfits.
Other housekeeping tasks - I've updated my logo and am very pleased with it. I've received positive feedback from viewers. And had a little bump with the website last week, but it was my doing and the good folks at BISI and the BISI community helped me fix it. Hint: Don't expect to see any quotation marks (") anywhere on my site ever again.
New customers are finding the website and I am encouraged by everyone's feedback. And looking forward to the Holiday season.
In the meantime, enjoy the last few days of summer - many children are back to school in the next week or so. Remember when school started after Labor Day?
"the only place housework comes before sewing is in the dictionary"